dimanche 28 octobre 2007

Mon clavier est trop sale

Combien de germes trouvent-ils leur paradis dans votre clavier.. pour moi c'est:

1,797,600How Many Germs Live On Your Keyboard?

Le résultat précise que :
That's equivalent to the number of germs on 360 toilet seats.

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dimanche 21 octobre 2007

Mon impact sur le climat

Le site propose des conseils pour réduire les effets de notre style de vie sur l'environnement.. des mesures à prendre en compte pour sans trop nuire à la planète.

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dimanche 14 octobre 2007

Antikor's love test results

The love test est un test de chez Tickle, un site que je trouve intéréssant.

voilà le résumé de mon profil d'amoureux:

Le test permet aussi de donner une idée sur sept dimensions importante dans ma personnalité d'amoureux:

Le rapport fournis me dis que la personne qui m'irai le plus est une personne ayant le meme caractère que moi, c'est à dire un steady mate:

So the type that you're apt to be most compatible with is actually your own: the Steady Mate. There are, of course, exceptions to this rule. However the dimensions measured in this test focus on attitudes and behaviors that, when matched between two people, increase probability of having a compatible relationship.

When looking for a match, the type that is the next most compatible to your own is Prized Partner.You should also look for an Independent Spirit when scouting out romance; that's the second most compatible type to your own.

If independent spirits had a theme song, it would probably be "Don't Box Me In." Independent spirits typically aren't fond of being crowded. On the contrary, they appreciate having the space to do their own thing and don't often feel swayed by what others are up to. They're not the type who typically feels the need to hang out at the "cool" clubs or sample the latest restaurants. In fact, they may not even know the latest buzz about those things, since those things really aren't important to them.

Et puis je ne peux pas etre avec une personne très très romantique:
The type opposite to yours is Idealistic Romantic. "Happily ever after," may be the three words that idealistic romantics enjoy dreaming about, — next to "I love you," of course. They likely have their share of idealistic dreams for the future, especially when it comes to imaging their perfect partner. They are socially skilled and know how to make the people close to them feel special. As a result, they're apt to have their eyes out for someone who can do the same.


c'etait un résumé du rapport.

The Love test est gratuit pour les membres de Tickle jusqu'au 14 octobre, faites vite si vous voulez y participer.

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samedi 13 octobre 2007

Aidkom mabrouk

Je voulais souhaitez une joyeuse fête de l'aid aux rares personnes qui reçoivent les notes de testing my self par email et sur leur lecteurs de flux

Aidek mabrouk wa snin dayma

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