mercredi 26 décembre 2007

Bravo à mes lecteurs

Question :
Quel est le niveau intellectuel des visiteurs de ce blogs ??

Réponse :
Les lecteurs de ->> Testing my self <<- sont d'un bon niveau..

cash advance

Ce blog est honoré.


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samedi 15 décembre 2007

The Chakra test: quelle energies vous animent

Antikor, your most positive energy is flowing from your First Chakra

This chakra is located at the base of your spine and is usually called the root or base chakra. The first chakra represents evolutionary life force and is associated with both physical energy and overall vitality. In your case, this chakra appears to be clear and unblocked so that positive energy can flow from it freely. Radiating positive energy from your first chakra indicates that you've cultivated higher wisdom concerning important life lessons associated with this energy center. You likely experience a solid feeling of safety and security in your day-to-day life. You seem to know on a deep level that those you love are truly there for you. Having strong first chakra energy means that you aren't apt to be as swayed by life's small ups and downs as many people are. Your positivity in this area also shows that you generally feel grounded and understand that your life's foundation is solid.

Quelques details :

First Chakra

[ level 7.3 ]

The first chakra or root or base chakra is located at the base of the spine. This is a source of great energy and is the first of the seven chakras in terms of where it is located on your body. Here it is depicted in the body:

Your first chakra is associated with your connection to a tribal force and your sense of belonging in the world. It symbolizes the physical plane of existence — both the earth and your physical body. This being true, it's not surprising that the first chakra is known to be the source of self-preservation and survival. When this first chakra energy is disrupted, you may be more liable to feel alone in the world, be afraid for your safety, and feel disconnected from other people. You're also likely to feel ungrounded, lacking a strong connection to the earth or your body. Energetically, when the first chakra is disrupted you can feel you have no real "roots."

Your first chakra is a level 7.3 out of 10. This means that right now you are free from any overwhelming burdens related to the struggle to survive. Whether that's due to fortunate life circumstances, a resilient spirit, or just a lot of hard work, you appear to be far along concerning the lessons this chakra represents.

Second Chakra

[ level 7.3 ]

The second chakra is associated with the element of water. It is often called the sexual chakra, because sexual energy is believed to originate there. But the second chakra is much more than simply a sex chakra; it is the seat of creativity. This chakra is located at the sacrum, which is the densest bone in the spinal column. Here it is depicted visually:

When the second chakra is closed or blocked, it can make the entire person appear lifeless. A blocked second chakra can cut you off from your emotions, and you may feel removed from an interest in sexuality. On the other hand, if your second chakra is excessively open, emotions can sometimes rule your being, creating an unbalanced system overall.

Your second chakra is a level 7.3 out of 10. This means that at present, you are relatively free of the tug of greed and envy that others struggle with so often. Your chakra's energy is flowing freely, so when appropriate your sexual desire is accessible to you. However, having a higher level for this chakra often means that your sexual energy is channeled into creative energy in general. This can give you a strong proclivity toward both self-expression and creative work.

Third Chakra

[ level 7.3 ]

The third chakra is associated with the element of fire. Appropriately, it is located at the solar plexus in the sternum. Here it is depicted in the body:

The third chakra is associated with personal power. People who are empowered have high positive energy emanating from their third chakras. Knowing that you can move things forward in your life to order to learn, grow, and live well is closely related to having a clear third chakra. Individual charisma is also generated in this energetic region. Conversely, people who don't trust their own perceptions or feel confident in their own decisions may experience disruptions in this chakra.

When the third chakra is closed or blocked, it can lead to a lack of energy, fatigue, and a yearning to be quiet and shut down. During times when this chakra is blocked, confrontations with others can be very hard to initiate or even tolerate. Blockage can also lead to problems building and sustaining interpersonal relationships based on equality.

Your third chakra is a level 7.3 out of 10. This means that at this point you are highly empowered to take life on and move forward with a strong confidence backing you up each step of the way.

Fourth Chakra

[ level 6.6 ]

The fourth chakra is associated with the element of air and is sometimes called the heart chakra. This is due both to its location near the heart and because of the emotions with which it is associated. Here it is depicted in the body:

The fourth chakra is associated with a gradual increasing of consciousness, as it sits between the lower three and upper three chakras. However, primarily, it is the center of unconditional love. When a person becomes disconnected from their heart and the emotions associated with this region, the fourth chakra becomes closed off. This often results in both low energy and shallow breathing. At times when you're feeling a fourth chakra blockage, you might even feel that it's difficult to breathe.

Emotionally, when this chakra is blocked, you're likely to feel wounded or victimized. Often this will be due to trying to work out past problems. People who have studied chakras liken this kind of chakra disruption to a hurt child inside of us, hashing out scenes over and over, trying to get closure on difficult events. If this kind of inner turmoil happens on an ongoing basis without relief, the overall effect can be a feeling of being stuck in the past. When the energy from the fourth chakra is disrupted, you may have trouble protecting yourself from emotional harm because you generally feel raw and emotionally vulnerable.

When the fourth chakra is open and energy is flowing positively, far different feelings result. For example, you are likely to feel open, loving, and compassionate to those around you and to be very accepting of people for who they are.

Your fourth chakra is a level 6.6 out of 10. This means that right now, you generally have loving compassion for others, but sometimes disruptions still occur. These disruptions may come in the form of either blockages or being too open with this chakra. At times like these, balance is the key. When you feel emotionally stuck on someone or something, it's a sign to explore what's happening with your fourth chakra and find out what's going on.

Fifth Chakra

[ level 7.3 ]

The fifth chakra is associated with acts of communication, including speaking the truth or finding creative ways for self-expression. It is located at the base of the throat and is often called the throat chakra. Here is an illustration:

This chakra is associated with sound in general. The meaning of your own personal truth is central to this chakra. The more free-flowing the energy of this chakra, the more you are able to speak your truth without fearing the consequences — or at least without letting external forces stop you from doing it. When the throat chakra is too open, you may talk more than other people would like and may not listen closely enough.

On a different level, this chakra is also associated with personal will. When the chakra is very open, your will can be excessively strong; when it is closed, your will can seem nonexistent. However, at times when the fifth chakra is in balance, your will is aligned with divine will. During such periods, you're likely to feel that things are going your way, rather than having to fight against the current in order to reach your goals.

When your fifth chakra is disrupted, personal truths can become harder to express. You may even become afraid to speak your opinions or feel unsure about what you might say. Issues of the will can also come to the fore during these negative times. For example, you may feel that when things go wrong, others are entirely to blame and when things go right, it's solely your will that created the success. Such exaggerated and absolute thinking is often connected to disruptions in the fifth chakra.

Your fifth chakra is a level 7.3 out of 10. This means that at present, you're not one who is afraid to speak the truth. In fact, you appear to be well aligned with your true self, and you aren't hesitant to let the world see who you are. Self-expression and skilled communication likely come very naturally to you right now.

Et vous, qu'elle energie vous anime ?
->> cliquez ici pour tester votre Chakra <<- le test est gratuit pour les membres du site jusqu'au 16-12 .

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mardi 27 novembre 2007

Combien de Watt produisez vous?

266 WATTS Body Battery Calculator - Find Out How Much Electricity Your Body is Producing - free dating sites

Le résultat du test m'informe aussi que je pourrai alimenter une XboX 360 et que 4 comme moi feront l'affaire pour un frigidaire.

Your Body is Producing 266 Watts!
This is 6% MORE wattage than the average person

* You could light up 3 light bulbs
* You could power 67 iPods
* You could power 1 Xbox 360
* 4 of you would be needed to keep a refrigerator running

Il me faut quelques clones pour me débarrasser de la facture de la Steg.. ou bien de quelques bénévoles ;)

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samedi 10 novembre 2007

Je suis bon à çà ..

A quoi etes vous bons ? Quels métiers sont fait pour vous?? c'est ce que vous propose de découvrir ce test (gratuit jusqu'au 11 novembre) qui vous fournira une liste des domaines dans lesquels vous serai bons.. En ce qui me concerne mon rapport (extrait) est le suivant :

Antikor, your top career is

Counseling and Guidance

On this test, we presented you with a number of questions asking you to pick one out of three job descriptions you would prefer. We also asked questions assessing some of your personality needs. From your pattern of responses to our test, we could see where your true interests lie. You were assessed in 12 different career areas. Earlier, we provided you with a description of your top career interest. Below, we provide you with a list of occupations that serve as good examples of occupations from your top career areas. Although the occupations incorporate your personal needs, it's helpful to think of this list of occupations as a starting point to help you brainstorm about different occupations within your career interest areas. Our Right Job Wrong Job Test helps target specific occupations for your type.

Marriage Counselor
Training Supervisor
Computer Programmer

Counseling & Guidance

Medicine & Health

Education & Training


Business Relations


Math & Science


Fine Arts

Investigation & Testing

Writing & Journalism

Law & Enforcement

Counseling & Guidance

Counseling & Guidance


Counseling and guidance professions involve helping people envision a new future for themselves. Unlike many other fields, it's rare to hear a counselor complain that they don't see how they impact other people's lives. Whether it's working with young children or older adults, counselors provide much needed emotional, psychological and practical support to people.

Corporate Trainer
Mental Health Counselor
Clinical Psychologist
Marriage Counselor

Medicine & Health

Medicine & Health


Occupations related to medicine and health involves helping other people. Some occupations require working directly with people and assessing and diagnosing their state of health. Others work directly with people to show them how to take better care of themselves. Still, others help by conducting research on health-related issues such as finding a new cure or vaccine. Regardless of the type of job, ultimately they all represent improving the quality of people's lives in some way.

Family Practitioner
Emergency Medical Technician
Cardiac Surgeon

Education & Training

Education & Training


Many talented people in these professions are able to simplify complex ideas and effectively communicate them to others. Whether it's teaching new information, skills, or behavior, you need to have a zeal for interacting with other people and taking the lead. People who succeed in these types of professions are keenly aware that you first need to genuinely like people before you can tell them what to do.

College Professor
High School Teacher
Occupational Therapist
Training Supervisor




Although a variety of professions fall under engineering, most involve using mathematical and scientific knowledge in an applied setting. Engineers are typically curious about how things work and enjoy testing out solutions rather than being told how something works. Given that many engineering jobs require inventing or creating solutions, having spatial skills, such as the ability to understand how objects fit together, is helpful.

Land Surveyor
Mechanical Engineer
Computer Programmer

Business Relations

Business Relations


Professions in the area of business relations require a variety of skills. However, almost all the professions involve being persuasive and shrewd at the same time. You must possess the ability to anticipate problems and opportunities and use this approach to your advantage. Although it is important to be methodical, being slow never makes you a winner in a business environment.

Marketing Director
Mortgage Lender
Business Planner
Contract Lawyer




Working in the outdoors allows people to feel in touch with nature and less dependent on technology and other man-made distractions. Part of the challenge and excitement of working outdoors is the unpredictable environment. Finding people satisfied with working outdoors is not difficult. Usually they don't mind getting their hands dirty and enjoy the fact that everyday is different.

Wildlife Specialist
Resort Director
Animal Trainer

Math & Science

Math & Science


Professions in the fields of math and science involve using analytical thought. Information gathered by people in these types of professions is useful to a wide range of audiences, but most people fail to appreciate the complexity and creativity involved in the solutions. Despite popular belief, most people in math and science are imaginative types who enjoy creating a new world of information and possibilities.

Financial Analyst
Clinical Study Coordinator
Radiology Technician

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