dimanche 2 mars 2008

Je suis un Cerveau gauche!

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Most left-brained people like you feel at ease in situations requiring verbal ability, attention to detail, and linear, analytical ability. Whether you know it or not, you are a much stronger written communicator than many, able to get your ideas across better than others.

It's also likely that you are methodical and efficient at many things that you do. You could also be good at math, particularly algebra, which is based on very strict rules that make sense to your logical mind.

Your Brain Type Report

Antikor, you are Left-brained, which means that the left hemisphere of your brain is dominant over your right.

Typically, left-brained individuals like you feel most at ease and in control in situations requiring verbal ability, attention to detail, and in-depth, linear, analytical ability. Writing ability and sequential processes of thought are also traits associated with left-brained individuals. We know this because researchers notice increased activity in the left hemisphere of the brain in people hooked up to monitors when they ask them to perform activities that require sharp focus on detail and organization.

In addition to isolating the ways in which your brain processes information, your left brain also controls the right side of your body. If you are strongly left-brained, you will find that your natural tendency is to be right-handed — though with some skills, you may find that you are left-handed if a left-handed person taught you how to complete a certain task.

You are probably methodical and efficient at many things that you do. You could also be good at math which is based on very strict rules that don't vary terribly much. Numbers are sequential and formulas don't change which is something your left brain can identify with. Because of this, you probably tend to break things down into their constituent parts instead of looking at the whole of a picture. Left-brained people also are likely to rely more on objective observations than subjective feelings. For this reason, you might find that for pleasure reading, you're more interested in the facts of nonfiction instead of the free-flow of fiction.

You probably think about things that are more straightforward and practical instead of things that are more symbolic and abstract. The one rule you're certain about in life is that there is always an answer if you approach a problem with your systematic and organized thoughts.

That's how your brain processes information. And while your dominant brain hemisphere certainly contributes to the way you process information, there is also a style of learning, unrelated to your dominant hemisphere, that determines the ways in which you are best able to pick up information. When you're learning something new, your dominant brain hemisphere will want to take over. But there are times when the information being presented is not well suited to your dominant hemisphere's abilities.

That's why, in addition to your hemispheric dominance, you also have a style of learning that is dominant for you. Whether you know it or not, you are naturally predisposed to learning things visually, aurally, or through a combination of the two.

Your test results show that you are an auditory learner.

Other left-brained people who are also auditory learners are John Lennon, the writer James Joyce, and a variety of musicians and composers, including atonal composer Arnold Shoenberg, and classical electronic composer Karlheinz Stockhausen. But before delving deeper into how you learn, you should get the basics of your brain's physiology.

107 commentaires:

Roumi a dit…

Voici mon test :

"Roumi, you are Balanced-brained

That means you are able to draw on the strengths of both the right and left hemispheres of your brain, depending upon a given situation.

When you need to explain a complicated process to someone, or plan a detailed vacation, the left hemisphere of your brain, which is responsible for your ability to solve problems logically, might kick in. But if you were critiquing an art opening or coming up with an original way to file papers, the right side of your brain, which is responsible for noticing subtle details in things, might take over.

While many people have clearly dominant left- or right-brained tendencies, you are able to draw on skills from both hemispheres of your brain. This rare combination makes you a very creative and flexible thinker.

The down side to being balanced-brained is that you may sometimes feel paralyzed by indecision when the two hemispheres of your brain are competing to solve a problem in their own unique ways.

Your Brain Type Report will describe how and why each of the responses you chose while answering the Brain Test revealed that you are Balanced-brained dominant. It's ready right now !"

AntikoR a dit…

parfois c'est pas bon d'avoir un cerveau equilibré :
"The down side to being balanced-brained is that you may sometimes feel paralyzed by indecision when the two hemispheres of your brain are competing to solve a problem in their own unique ways."

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安田記念 a dit…

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安田記念 a dit…

第60回 安田記念 2010 予想 オッズから展開と結果をズバリ当てる!出走馬、枠順など全てを考慮にいれた緻密なデータをもとに検証

友達 a dit…

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宝塚記念 a dit…

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宝塚記念 2010 a dit…

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出会い a dit…


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モニター a dit…

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モバゲー a dit…

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スタービーチ a dit…


スタービーチ a dit…


モバゲー a dit…


モバゲー a dit…


スタービーチ a dit…


スタービーチ a dit…

出 会いを探しているのなら会員数ナンバーワンのスタービーチ!開放的な夏休みはここで新しい出 会いを見つけよう!

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グリー a dit…


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mコミュ a dit…

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スタービーチ a dit…


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グリー a dit…

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スタービーチ a dit…


モバゲー a dit…


gree a dit…


スタビ a dit…


mコミュ a dit…


ツイッター a dit…


SMチェッカー a dit…


モバゲー a dit…

今やモバゲーは押しも押されもせぬ人気SNS!当然出 会いを求めてる人も多い!そこで男女が出 逢えるコミュニティーが誕生!ここなら友達、恋人が簡単にできちゃいますよ

モバゲー a dit…


グリー a dit…

最近はどこのSNSサイトも規制ばっかりで、ちょっと出 合いに関して書き込みするとアク禁食らうけど、夏休み終盤に差し掛かり色々なサイトを調べた結果、グリーだけはどうも規制が緩んでるみたいです。今がチャンスの時期ですよ

ツイッター a dit…

ツイッターで出 合 いを求めるのです。気の合う異性と交流して楽しいひと時をお過ごしください。登録無料で使えるので気軽さは100点満点!

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